Make Something Monday: Celebrity Paper Dolls Week 2

So last week I made my first celebrity paper doll, Audrey Hepburn, and now I’m hooked!

I’ve made 7 other celebs:

Elizabeth Taylor…

Ginger Rogers…

Fred Astaire…

Gene Kelly…

Debbie Reynolds…


Sara Bareilles…

They are all currently listed in my Etsy shop. Do you make any celebrity-themed items yourself?

If you suggest who I should make next I’ll do it 😀 !

Make Something Monday: Celebrity Paper Dolls

As I promised yesterday, today I started making an Audrey Hepburn paper doll. Honestly (and from hearing my former graphic artist mom’s opinion) I know I need to tweak some things in order to really make a doll that looks like Audrey. I’m still happy with how she looks.

I also tried making an Elizabeth Taylor doll.

Here they are together…

My plan is to make lots of celebrity paper dolls. I know I’ll enjoy it and it will be an exercise in improving my accuracy in drawing people. Check out my shop to see more of my creations. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

Sunday Vintage Swoon: Style Icon Audrey Hepburn

I have always been a fan of old movies. If I had to choose between watching some new film that’s in theaters now or a classic (on Netflix or TCM) I would definitely choose the classics.

I like old movies not only because of the acting and story lines, I also love seeing the things people used to wear. One of the actresses whose style I admire the most is Audrey Hepburn.

She was classy and fun.

Images from the Audrey Hepburn fans Tumblr page.

Stay tuned for some Audrey Hepburn illustrations and articulated paper dolls 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Sunday Vintage Swoon: My 1960s Mad Men Inspired Look

I have been slowly developing a love for vintage clothing.

When I was a tween and I went shopping with my mom for clothes I was always worried about things making me look “old”. I didn’t want to wear jeans that were too straight-legged (this was before skinny jeans were cool), they had to have a flare. I wouldn’t be caught dead in shoulder pads! So, my poor mom was leery of making clothing suggestions.

After high school I started watching a lot of BBC miniseries, period pieces like Wives and Daughters and North and South. I also watched a good amount of TCM, and ordered classics from Netflix. Then I started exploring vintage shops on Etsy and I started to imagine myself wearing 1960s dresses, and instead of feeling like it would age me, I felt it would make me look elegant and sophisticated.

A few weeks ago I discovered Mad Men, and loved the dresses. Sadly, though, when I watched the show, I wasn’t so impressed. I’m a more Pride and Prejudice kind of girl, I don’t like seeing so much cigarette smoking and sleeping around. Still, I’ll give them props for their costumes. I will keep looking at what the ladies are wearing for inspiration.

I bought a beautiful 1960s Leslie Fay butter yellow high waisted dress with a cowl neck from Etsy seller, a hippy heart. It was only $18!

When it arrived I was very pleased with the fit, but I realized it needed a tiny improvement. Maybe the vivacious Joan Holloway wouldn’t mind a front slit in her dress, but I felt a need to put some fabric in so I could feel comfortable wearing the dress to religious events.

I bought a new pair of black peep toed shoes from Famous Footwear and wore a matching black belt from an older dress I had.

For jewelry I wore some oval vintage black earrings with a floral detail and gold trim. I got those for 50 cents at the thrift store!

The outfit got a lot of compliments, so I feel pretty good about getting more vintage (I’ll be returning to a hippy heart) in the future! 🙂

Do you wear vintage? Share links to photos of your outfits!